
blood of elves

2014年11月5日 5:44:32   阅读(1410)

风中的女王 第二季:Reign 2x05 Blood For Blood 预告 CA版

The wizard is clad in grey and pleads to Thranduil for help in the fight against the powers of darkness. He however only replies: “The elves have already shed enough blood in this land.” …… @槙岛老师你家的书柜到底有多大啊

Blood of Elves目前为止带给我的感觉很像魔戒,设定胜过文笔。文笔中上流,设定太过优秀。

好轻…………结果买到家才发现这两本是系列的一和三,二那本Blood of Elves没有货了

想读《Blood of Elves (The Witcher)》

实验忙起来游戏时间少了读书时间反倒多了,终于把Blood of elves看完了,真累

看来恐怖分子的生活也很无聊。 Spies with surveillance agencies in the United States may have spent time undercover as orcs and blood elves, infiltrating video games like “World of Warcraft” in a hunt for terrorists “hiding in plain sight” online笑翻了。。

Microsoft,Google,Facebook,Yahoo,Apple, Twitter和LinkedIn,你们拿什么让我们相信你们的行为不是简单的市场行为和政治作秀?

真·首届“大卫·盖梅尔传奇奖”获奖作品《BLOOD OF ELVES》封面长上图这个样子;作者波兰作家萨普科沃维奇跟“传奇奖”奖杯的合影,长下图这个样子。没错,“传奇奖”就是大卫·盖梅尔奖的长篇小说奖,名字出自盖梅尔的同名小说《传奇》,而“奖杯”就是《传奇》中的老英雄卓斯老爹的大板斧。

In case it hasn't been made clear yet, the blood elves hate the Alliance with a passion and would never dream of accepting them as anything but enemies to be destroyed at first opportunity. | 洗刷太阳之井的耻辱~~

吐血推荐一个系列《The Last Wish》《Blood of Elves》,非常好看 好吧,虽然是英文的

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