

2015年1月20日 5:42:51   阅读(1546)





失控的烟火(Fireworks' misfire by Kimmo Kuloveski)

机场八小时间离去的飞机(8 hours of plane departures by Mike Kelley)

非洲斑马渡河(African wildlife by Zack Seckler)

群鱼风暴(Swirling tornado of fish by Octavio Aburto)

悉尼的风暴(Storm in Sydney by Jem Cresswell)

科罗拉多河亲吻大海(Colorado River Kissing the Sea, Peter McBride for Outside Magazine)

蜂鸟的长嘴(Sword-billed hummingbird, Jan van der Greef )

塞伦盖蒂国家公园群狮(Lions of Serengeti National Park, Michael 'Nick' Nich )

比利时蓝色森林(Blue Forest in Belgium by Kilian Sch?nberger)

白云石山脉(Odle, Dolomites Mountain Range by Angelo Ferraris)

光之海湾(Bay of Lights by David Yu)

乌尤尼盐沼(Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia by Takashi Nakagawa)

阿根廷冰瀑(Frozen Waterfall in Argentina by Guillermo Palavecino)

冰岛的婚礼(Iceland wedding by Gabe McClintock)

阿尔卑斯登山者火炬链(Mountaineers scaling the Alps by Robert Boesch)

冰岛大峡谷(Fjaerárgljúfur canyon in south east Iceland by Valter Joannes)

加利福尼亚山脉(California Sierra Nevada by Peter Essick)

俄罗斯楚科塔地区的狐狸( Foxes in Russia's northeastern Chukotka region by Ivan Kislov)

水下沉船肖像画(Underwater shipwreck portraits in Bali by Benjamin Von Wong)

星星的轨迹(Dazzling Star Trails by Justin Ng)

红毛猩猩用芭蕉叶避雨(Orangutan using a banana leaf to shield itself from the rain, Andrew Suryono )

冰岛美景(Stunning landscapes of Iceland by Andy Lee)

拯救鲸鱼(Rescue Operation by Kylli Sparre, Enhanced category)

水下摄影(Underwater photo by Kurt Arrigo)

阿波斯尔冰窟(Apostle Ice Cave by Brian Peterson)

富士山(Mt. Fuji by Hidenobu Suzuki)

虎鲸战士(freediving with tiger sharks in Bahamas by Eusebio Saenz de Santamaria)

北极熊打招呼(Arctic Hi-Five by Colin Mackenzie )

蓝色鬼魂萤火虫(Blue Ghost Fireflies in Brevard, North Carolina by Spencer Black )

飓风与小路(Storm in Tornado Alley by Marko Korosec)

(绿湖中的潜水者)Diver in Green Lake, Austria by Marc Henauer f

厄瓜多尔:秋千上看火山(Swing in Banos, Ecuador by Sean Hacker Teper)

血月的变迁(Blood moon lunar eclipse by Mike Kezeul)

超长曝光的爱斯基摩小艇(Long exposure of kayakers by Stephen Orlando)

冰岛自然与时尚(Iceland fashion photo shoot by Miss Aniela)

经得起超长曝光的夜色(Magical nighttime long exposures by Matt Payne)

破镜夕阳(Sunset through shattered mirror by Bing Wright)

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